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Nov 25, 2023

Mark Fitzpatrick Overnight Success that takes 20 years

In today's episode I'm talking to Mike Fitzpatrick about his book that his just been published. We talk about becoming an overnight success 20 years in the making.

We also talk about the hero’s journey versus the carrier bag theory, we mention Ursula Le Guin,...

Nov 18, 2023

Bluescamp France , Gigs in unusual places, what makes a great performer, James Brown, Prince and a Little Black Dress


We're in the studio with the Blues camp team Chris Penfold Mike Kilgour and I are looking at venues and gig ideas for next year’s summer school in France.

We talk about looking for band...

Nov 11, 2023

Steve Delight guitarist singer and getting to music 

Today I'll be talking to Steve delight. Steve is a guitarist and singer who travels, and his life has informed his music. His recordings and videos are very well produced.

We talk about collaboration and how Steve got involved recording audio books.


A Taj Mahal...